“Quoter” Validation Fix

Seems Quoter doesn’t play 100% nice with WordPress 2.5 (breaks page validation). It’s a simple fix though.

Open the plugin and find this text on line 568:

$text = wpautop($text, 0);

Before it, add this dirty little fix:

$text = str_replace( array('<p><p>', '</p></p>'), array('<p>', '</p>'), $text);

It only works around the problem rather than fixing it, but it seems to do the job as most pages now validate. 🙂

EDIT: Seems WordPress originally mucked up the code that I had posted. It’s now been fixed.

6 thoughts on ““Quoter” Validation Fix

  1. You sure that’s the right spot. I’m getting errors in the Admin panel if I use the text on line 568. It’s actually present in another location too.


    P.S. What plugin are you using for the instant post preview, etc.?

  2. I just noticed WordPress mucked up my code that I had originally posted. It’s now been fixed.

    Gene Steinberg on April 22nd, 2008 at 6:17 AM wrote:

    Having gone to these lengths, how about fixing the plugin so other problems reported can be fixed?

    I haven’t spotted any other issues.

    Gene Steinberg on April 22nd, 2008 at 6:47 AM wrote:

    P.S. What plugin are you using for the instant post preview, etc.?


  3. Hi,
    I saw you have fixed some bugs on this plugin, I hope you can give me some hint to solve my problem.
    While I use this plugin, it always show the last comments. Harry had same problem and left a message on author’s web page ( http://www.damagedgoods.it/wp-plugins/quoter/#comment-43264 ) while I can’t see any solution there and that’s why I seek for your kindly help.
    Hope you can help me out if you have time.
    Many thanks,

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