SyntaxHighlighter Evolved v2.3.0

I’ve released a new version of my SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin. It’s not a recode of the plugin, however it is a major overhaul of the plugin. It features an update to the highlighting package (with new languages and parameters) and other various things. Here’s the full changelog:

Version 2.3.0

Major overhaul, mainly to extend flexibility so that this plugin could be used on without actual code modification (only actions/filters are used instead to modify it).

  • Updated SyntaxHighlighter package to v2.1.364. Highlights of the changelog include:
    • ColdFusion brush (aliases: coldfusion, cf)
    • Erlang brush (aliases: erl, erlang)
    • Objective-C brush (aliases: objc, obj-c)
    • Eclipse theme
    • padlinenumbers parameter. Set it to false for no line number padding, true for automatic padding, or an integer (number) for forced padding.
    • rb alias for Ruby
  • Commenters can now use this plugin to post code.
  • Plugin’s shortcodes now work inside of the text widget again. Requires WordPress 2.9+ though.
  • Overhaul of the TinyMCE plugin that assists in keeping your code sound when switching editor views. Thanks to Andrew Ozz!
  • This plugin’s stylesheets are now dynamically loaded. If they aren’t needed, they aren’t loaded.
  • Lots of sanitization of shortcode attributes. Invalid keys/values are no longer used.
  • Chinese translation thanks to Hinker Liu. Will need updating for v2.3.0.
  • New filter to control what shortcodes are registered. Used by to trim down the number of them.
  • Saving of user’s settings is now done using register_setting() instead of manually handing $_POST. Yay!
  • By default, a post meta is used to mark posts as being encoded using the 2.x encoding format. This is bad for a site like You can use the new syntaxhighlighter_pre_getcodeformat filter to return 1 or 2 (based on say post_modified). See SyntaxHighlighter:get_code_format() for more details. Don’t forget to remove_action( 'save_post', array(&$SyntaxHighlighter, 'mark_as_encoded'), 10, 2 ); to stop the post meta from being added.
  • New syntaxhighlighter_precode filter to modify raw code before it’s highlighted.
  • New syntaxhighlighter_democode filter to modify example code on the settings page.

Please leave all comments and feedback on the plugin’s homepage. Thanks! 🙂