Dashboard: Draft Posts

WordPress 2.5 introduces a widgetized dashboard and some people had been wanting to see a list of their drafts posts on the dashboard, so I wrote this widget.


32 thoughts on “Dashboard: Draft Posts

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  4. Pingback: Personalizar el dashboard del wordpress 2.5 — Viciao2k3

  5. Pingback: » Dashboard à la carte » BlogPimp

  6. I think this is great, and is going to be really useful – but I have an enhancement request.

    I’d like to be able to see not only the draft posts written by me, but those posts written by others and waiting for review.

    Is there an easy way to make this happen?

  7. Fab! I love it to bits, and can now see my drafts and the posts written by others that I have to review – on my dashboard. Just where I need them.

    Thank you so much

  8. Pingback: Pimp Your Dashboard | Dackworld

  9. Pingback: What Wordpress Plugin’s Do I Use? | Creeva's World 2.0

  10. Pingback: netztreiben.de » Blog Archive » Wordpress 2.5 - Adminbereich effektiv einrichten

  11. Pingback: Trendalizer Blog » Draft Posts

  12. Pingback: Wordpress Plugins-panel de administracion | Seosistems

  13. Hi,
    is dashboard-draft-posts plugin compatible with wp 2.6?

    If I try to activate it, I receive the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message….

  14. Pingback: Wordpress 2.6 | Weblog Netzgeschaedigt

  15. Pingback: WordPress Plugins Database » Plugin Details » Dashboard: Draft Posts

  16. Pingback: netztreiben » Blog Archive » Wordpress - Adminbereich effektiv einrichten

  17. Pingback: WordPress 2.(7 plugin-uri în minus) | scribu

  18. Hi,

    I was wondering if you can make this plugin compatible with WordPress 2.8.x as it comes up with an error. Below the error it does show all the recent drafts.

    Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in /home/domain/public_html/website/wp-content/plugins/dashboard-draft-posts/dashboard-draft-posts.php on line 50

    I know that WordPress now has its own Drafts Dashboard widget. But it only shows “Recent Drafts” I want it to show “All Drafts”



  19. Please can any body give me a information of a wordpress plugin that works in backend/dashboard so that pos author can able to see only the post list that is written by him not other post that is written by other.

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