If You Aren’t Watching “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”, You Should Be

John Oliver of The Daily Show fame has been hosting his new show on HBO for a little over five months now. If you haven’t been watching it, you really should be.

While The Daily Show often covers important topics, it doesn’t have the opportunity to do so in depth because it’s hampered by the fact that there are commercials and guests cutting into the air time.

John Oliver however dives deep into just one or two subjects to make a much stronger point about the subject being covered. He has no guests or commercials.

For example his latest episode had a really striking piece about asset civil forfeiture by police. While that sounds dry and boring, he makes the subject matter compelling and tops it off with a bit of comedy to bring it home. Trust me — it’s worth watching this video until the end.

The outtakes are worth watching too.

WordPress Appearance On “Orphan Black”

In the latest episode of the great TV show Orphan Black, a character is searching for something on the Internet and is for some reason viewing search results in the form of HTML (ooo, what a hacker!). If you look at the stylesheet URLs, you’ll notice “wp-content”, a sign that it’s a WordPress-powered site!

WordPress On "Orphan Black"

Before you bother to check, the domain is registered in real life but there’s no site there, WordPress or otherwise.

For other sightings of WordPress on television, check out these posts.

“Orphan Black” Is A Must Watch

If you haven’t been watching Orphan Black on BBC America, you really should check it out. The first season recently concluded and it’s by far my favorite show currently on television. Really innovative premise and the starring actress, Tatiana Maslany, is incredible to watch at work. I won’t go into too much detail to avoid giving anything away but this trailer for the show should hopefully get you hooked:

Person Of Interest

I discovered Person of Interest on Saturday night. It’s a TV show that airs on CBS and is really good, so much so that I watched 22 episodes over the weekend.


The show is about a guy who develops a surveillance machine that gives him the names of people (and that’s it) that it thinks are going to be killed soon. This guy recruits an ex-soldier to help him prevent the murders.

Sounds a bit silly but it’s actually quite good and worth checking out.