WordPress Admin Bar

Note of Plugin Discontinuation:

WordPress 3.1 features a built-in admin bar like this, so I will no longer continue development of this plugin. I recommend uninstalling this plugin as it will no longer be maintained.


This plugin creates an admin bar at the top of your site for logged in users (i.e. you) based on the design of the admin bar located at WordPress.com. It has links to all popular areas of the admin area, saving you time.

It requires no theme editing whatsoever — just upload and activate and you’re done.


Adding Custom Themes:

If you’re the author of a WordPress theme or just otherwise wish to add an custom admin bar theme of your own, please check out this plugin’s theme API.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Some plugins don’t show up in the admin bar. What gives?
A: The author of the problematic plugin has a is_admin() test when creating their admin menu which means that if you’re outside of the admin area, their plugin won’t register it’s admin menu. Therefore it of course won’t show up in my admin bar. Contact them and ask them to remove the is_admin() test (or do it yourself).

532 thoughts on “WordPress Admin Bar

  1. I have been using the plugin for several months. I have now run into a problem. When accessing the settings function the end of the list disappears. I realize that I may have overdone it with the number of plugins but those that are at the bottom of the list are not visible or accessible. Would it be possible to include the ability to scroll?

    Also, I could not find a way to disable or delete the plugin. Is that possible?

  2. I tried to disable some but received the following message:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-visitors/wp-visitors.php:12) in /home1/xxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 770

    Is there a way of temporarily disabling the plugin as an alternative?

  3. Guys, I know it’s broken. Yes, I’m going to fix it. Please be patient. I’m sure you can live without a working Dashboard link for a few days while I sort it out. Everything else besides some minor issues like everything being on the right side should work though.

  4. Sure, no stress… we can wait.
    Just want to say there’re more then minor bugs… 🙂
    Look to the links on the right side like “plugins” or “settings” … all broken.

  5. Pingback: Upgraded and survived | Greywulf's Lair

  6. 2.7 Suggestion –

    Would it be possible to have the adminbar – and leave the sidebar as well? That way we could utilize the frequently/needed stuff only up top, and the rest of the menu would still be available on the side.

    Know you’re working on it – so this is only a suggestion!

    Love this plugin!

  7. Pingback: WordPress: Alternativen im Backend und andere Icons - WordPress, Admin, Version, Drop, Icons, Down, Blogs, Design - Caschys Blog

  8. v3.0.4 is fully WordPress 2.7 compatible.

    EDIT: Er, it’s settings page is all funky, but the bar itself works on your actual blog. I’ll fix the admin-side of it soon.

  9. Okay, v3.0.5 just uploaded. The settings page actually works now, as does using the admin bar in the admin area (it won’t hide the default navigation menu — just collapse it if you don’t want to use it).

    I really need to test my code more before uploading.

  10. I just updated to the latest version of your plugin and it shows the bar in the footer of my blog. It used to work fine under the last version of WP, I disabled it until an update to make it work for WP 2.7.
    Screenshot: here

    P.S. am running WP v2.7

  11. Hi,

    Unfortunately 1152 pixels width are not enough for the bar with the Hungarian admin interface including the WP Security Scan plugin. The transated text is a bit longer than the generic but it would be useful if you could make the size of the texts and the boxes smaller. Thank you very much 🙂

    [EDIT] Found the possibility of turning on/off the blocks 🙂 Fortunately I don’t need to go into the admin section of the plugin so often 🙂 Thanks again!

  12. Hi, I am using wordpress 2.6. I installed the latest version of this plugin today. i don’t find the admin bar menu in admin panel. Also i don’t find the admin bar on the front page when i am logged in as admin

    Thanks for your help.

  13. Hi, I’m using WP 2.7, Fr version.

    After I activate the WP Admin Bar, the admin area is completely locked !
    First of all I deactivated the other plugins installed in my WP and then I tried to reactivate your plugin but with the same error message… Moreover I make clear I updated the plugin to the latest version (3.1.1).

    After all these tests I did another with the English version of WP 2.7 and then… your plugin works !

    So there is a problem with the Fr version of WP and your plugin.

    Thx for your help, bye !

  14. The error message in French after I activate the plugin : “Vous n’avez pas les droits suffisants pour accéder à cette page.”
    The translation : “You don’t have enough rights to access this page.”

    Thank you for helping me ! Bye.

  15. “You don’t have enough rights to access this page.”

    We have problems with spanish wordpress translation, but in catalonian translation works fine (exactly clone installation).

  16. Language doesn’t affect access rights.

    I search the Web and I some people mean the problem comes from the fr_FR.php file located in wp-content/languages. They advise to remove this file…
    There is one variable in this file : $wp_default_secret_key
    I don’t specifiy any value right now, there’s the default (“thanks to put a sentence here”).

    Any idea ?

  17. Thomas on December 27th, 2008 at 2:30 AM wrote:

    Language doesn’t affect access rights.

    I search the Web and I some people mean the problem comes from the fr_FR.php file located in wp-content/languages. They advise to remove this file…

    YES ! That’s the solution. Removing es_ES.php file from wp-content/languajes the plugin works fine.

    Thank you Thomas !

  18. YES ! That’s the solution. Removing es_ES.php file from wp-content/languajes the plugin works fine.

    Thank you Thomas !

    After you activated the plugin you can restore the php language file into the languages folder.

  19. Pingback: WordPress Plugin: WP Admin Quicklinks - an intelligent, unobtrusive admin panel | Freelance Design Leeds and Harrogate, Rich Hinchcliffe

  20. Thank you for the plugin. Thank you for updating it to WP 2.7. I have Admin Bar 3.1.1. I believe that the Logout button does not work at this point. I wish I understood how to fix it but I can offer the following information from the WP site:

    “The Template Tag wp_logout_url was added in Version 2.7 to provide a nonced URL for logout purposes. If a theme uses a construct such as /wp-login.php?action=logout to offer the user a logout link that code should be updated to use the wp_logout_url. A good example of the usage of wp_logout_url can be seen in the WordPress Default and Classic themes comments.php and comments-popup.php Templates.”

  21. 2 questions: Can you provide sample code on how to set up defaults to hide. I see the defaults array with the blank hide array, but not sure what that would look like. In particular, I would like to hide the ‘Tools’ menu by default for everyone. I just need to see what would go inside the ‘hide’ => array(), line

    Also, I noticed in looking at the database structure, all user info is stored in the global wp_options table in 1 row. How many potential subscribers could this plugin support before that field is maxed out? Another option would be to store in usermeta, 1 entry for each user…

    thanks, nice looking plugin.

  22. 1) Honestly can’t remember how that works. Been forever since I looked at that part of this plugin.

    2) Yeah, this plugin needs updating. It’s on my todo list, but near the bottom of it.

  23. David on January 7th, 2009 at 3:09 PM wrote:

    Thank you for the plugin. Thank you for updating it to WP 2.7. I have Admin Bar 3.1.1. I believe that the Logout button does not work at this point. I wish I understood how to fix it but I can offer the following information from the WP site:

    “The Template Tag wp_logout_url was added in Version 2.7 to provide a nonced URL for logout purposes. If a theme uses a construct such as /wp-login.php?action=logout to offer the user a logout link that code should be updated to use the wp_logout_url. A good example of the usage of wp_logout_url can be seen in the WordPress Default and Classic themes comments.php and comments-popup.php Templates.”

    Change to this file:


    then logout works fine.

  24. Changing that one line worked for me. You’re good. I think this is one more thing that Viper007Bond can take off his todo list. Thank you.

  25. Hello, I run WPMU 2.7. Is there a way to take out buttons on the admin bar for everyone on my network? I am using the version of your plugin included in the 2.7 trunk. Any help would be much appreciated. Also is there a way to set default settings for this plugin for everyone when their account gets created.

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  31. Hi,

    Thanks for that useful plugin, I’ve got one problem…when I install it, I just can’t access to any other page than the home!
    I just get a message that I havn’t enough rights to view the page…

    Any idea on how to fix that?

  32. Hi,

    Thanks for that useful plugin, I’ve got one problem…when I install it, I just can’t access to any other page than home & login!
    I just get a message that I havn’t enough rights to view the page…even if I’am logged in as admin.

    Any idea on how to fix that?

  33. Hi,

    I’d like to report two (minor) issues (I use WP 2.7). First, I did see the tree structure in the plugin’s options page only the first time I called it. On all subsequent calls until now, all checkboxes are neatly listed in the _same_ row, regardless if they are 1st-level or 2nd-level options:


    Same effect in all browser I tried (Opera, IE) and with all themes (my own and the WP 2.7 default theme). The bug (?) doesn’t affect the plugins functionality, but it’s definitively annoying…

    Second, the admin bar’s “Plugin” tab icon of the little arrow ist trunctated (cut in half) when the blog is viewed with the Opera browser:


    I guess that this one may be the result of tiny typo in the plugins code that may be fixed easily?

    Thanks for your support and a truly great WordPress enhancement!

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